Author: Alex | Category:

If you have the passion to train and coach others, does the idea of becoming a business coach ever cross your mind?
Sports coaching is a very common practise but when comes to business coaching, it is relatively quite unknown. Basically business coaches teach business owners how to grow their sales and marketing results. Business owners are provided with effective yet relatively simple and affordable sales, marketing and team building strategies that brings dramatic improvements in their revenues and profits. In other words, your role is quite similar to a business consultant.
Visit this website below for more information if you are interested.
Website: www.action-seasia.com
Author: Alex | Category:

Cost of petrol is ballooning like crazy which becomes a major concern of most people. However, a concern may be turned to an opportunity with some creativity thinking.
A Finnish not-for-profit group is taking an innovative approach to getting more electric-powered vehicles on the road. This group which calls itself an open-source electric vehicle community wants to sign up 500 or more buyers for its first proposed model. What they hope to do is to retro-fit existing Toyota Corollas.
Anyone who is good with engines out there? May be your winning business opportunity.
Website: www.sahkoautot.fi
Author: Alex | Category:

If you are an event organizer or have the love for organizing camps, why not trying an upscale version of outdoor camping.
Consider, BoutiqueCamping.net Ltd. They provide a one-stop-shop for festival organizers and goers by supporting the whole process of bringing funky places to stay in your favourite festival fields. Say goodbye to ugly and boring tents.
Website: www.boutiquecamping.net
Author: Alex | Category:

Information is a hot commodity and if you look in the right places, there are many people out there who are looking for information. Despite the vast amount of information on the internet, there is room for more.
The term “Infopreneur” is a relatively new industry buzz word. So what exactly is an Infopreneur. Simply put, an infopreneur sells information.
Information products are offered in a variety of formats including books, e-books, special reports, audio formats, videos, workbooks, booklets, and virtually any method in which you can deliver information.
Consider BCI, a leading provider of construction information services for Southeast Asia, Hong Kong and Australia. Their core business is reporting on the planning, design, tendering and contracting of building and construction projects. Companies will need to pay an annual fee to gain access to their database which guarantees a steady flow of income.
So if you have got what it takes to be Infopreneur, you may have found a great way to make residual money online.
Author: Alex | Category:

If you are on the artistic side with passion for arts and crafts, ever thought of trying something different for example creating mosaic arts. Mosaic arts can be created on almost anything e.g. vases, floor, walls, plates and etc.
Consider Mosaic Art SupplyTM. It is fully owned and operated by artist Joe Moorman in Atlanta, Georgia. The business has been in operation since 2002. They provide technical information and artistic advice and also provides premium mosaic materials available to amateur crafters at a reasonable price.
Website: www.mosaicartsupply.com/
Author: Alex | Category:
Hospitality and Tourism

Some of you may just have a thing for the spooky and the supernatural world. If you are that person, why not consider running your very own Ghost Tours.
Consider Mercat Tours in Edinburgh. They provide the best Ghost and History tours in Scotland specializing in walking tours around Edinburgh’s Old Town featuring the most haunted locations, the scariest stories and most spectacular candlelit underground vaults.
Tours run all year round and even run private tours for groups which requirements can be tailor made. Founded in 1985 with an employment of around ten permanent staff, they provide 12 tours daily in high season and 8 in low season.
Website: www.mercattours.com
Author: Alex | Category:

Leeches have been used to treat patients for centuries. There are approximately 600 leech species which have been identified to date but only about 15 are used in medicine.
Leech therapy has been used in European countries since 18th and 19th centuries. Today, doctors use leeches for treating abscesses, painful joints, glaucoma, myasthenia, and to heal venous diseases and thrombosis. Medical leeches are used in plastic surgery, for improving brain circulation and for curing infertility. Some even claim that this could be an alternative acne treatment.
Potentially, this could be a business opportunity for those who are interested in alternative medicine.
Website: www.leeches.biz/
Author: Alex | Category:

If you have a thing for helping people to move stuff, why not consider running a junk removal service business.
Take for example 1-800-GOT-JUNK a canadian company. It started back in the late nineteen eighties by two university students. They help people to remove things they don’t need. That means they take away almost anything – from old furniture, appliances and electronics to yard waste and renovation debris. Service will be charged based on volume of junk being removed.
Look at this way, another opportunity here is the possibility of selling some of this junks away either through a garage sale or a second-hand item dealer. In other words, you have two potential source of income. Not bad at all for a garbage collector.
Website: www.1800gotjunk.com/us_en
Author: Alex | Category:

The next time you are thinking of starting your own brand of drinks, why not come up with something unique.
Consider a Singaporean company who came up with the concept of packaging the drinks with a unique concept such that every beverage has a generic design with no way of telling what flavour is contained in the can. Therefore, the consumers have no idea what flavour they bought until they drink it.
The drinks are are simply labelled as “Anything” which is carbonated that comes in six flavours and “Whatever” which is non-carbonated and is also made in six flavours.
A very interesting marketing concept indeed.
Website: www.anything.com.sg
Author: Alex | Category:

So…are you annoying, irritatingly bothersome, constant source of annoyance or just have love to piss people off? There might just be a business for you. Why not make something money by just nagging?
Welcome to the world of cyber nagging. Consider Nagmenow, a company that takes over the dreaded task of getting someone to do something that they are reluctant to do e.g. lose weight, quit smoking, fix the leaky tap or whatever you can think of.
Now, that’s what I call making use of your talent.
Website: www.nagmenow.com