This is a business idea for smokers particularly cigar smokers. Cigars is quite similar to wine in a lot of ways. The price can range from something economical to something astronomical but cigar lovers will be able to tell the difference between them.
What many people don’t know is that cigars can make a wonderful gift. Wouldn’t it be great if there is online place where you can purchase cigar gift sets for your friends or clients? Take for example They have created a website that makes it easy for people to purchase these cigars. They even have something called the “Cigar of the Month Club” whereby registered members will receive a specially selected combination of 5 premium hand made cigars (they may even have Black and Mild cigars), once a month. These cigars are nationally recognized brands, and represent a vast assortment from the marketplace. Basically, you can sign someone up (or yourself!) for a subscription.
So wait no more all smokers out there. Start something to finance your smoking habits.